MrCool MrBreeze Bladeless Air Purifier Fan – Circle Shaped Fashion

The circle-shaped MrCool MrBreeze Bladeless Air Purifier Fan is the perfect solution to stagnant, stale air throughout your home. Put this DIY bladeless fan wherever you want to enjoy consistent, natural-feeling airflow all the time. The stylish base, which can come in silver, copper, or black, and the sleek circular air loop make this bladeless fan visibly stand out from the monotony and normality of regular fans. Because of the bladeless design of the MrCool MrBreeze bladeless fan, smaller children are completely safe around it. It’s also got a very low center of gravity, making it very hard to knock over, which keeps both the fan and anyone around it protected from any mishaps. Take pride in your comfort this summer and get the MrBreeze circle bladeless air purifier fan to ensure cleanliness and comfort throughout your home.
One of the great things about the circle-shaped MrCool MrBreeze Bladeless Air Purifier Fan is that it’s so easy to use, that anyone in your household can operate it! Simply plug the MrBreeze fan in wherever you would like and turn it on to bask in the purest air you could ever feel. The remote to control this fan is pretty simple to use, too, so there’s no risk of confusion when you’re trying to experience the comfort the MrBreeze can provide. This fan features 8 motor speeds, with speed 1 being 3,200 rpm, and speed 8 being 8,000 rpm. This sounds like it could be loud, but the MrBreeze is less than 30 dB loud at the lowest speed, which is as loud as a whisper, and at its highest speed, it’s 60 dB, which is the volume of a normal conversation. You can also set a timer for up to 8 hours. This feature can also help you save money by turning your fan off for you. This fan can push total comfort throughout the space you place it in, because the head of the fan can tilt 120°.
An unseen but extremely appreciated feature of this unit is its high-quality HEPA filter, which will let you breathe only the purest, cleanest air. This filter is so good that it can trap 99.9% of dangerous particles like PM 2.5, which is smaller than a human hair, and PM 0.1, which is much smaller than PM 2.5. These contaminants can potentially harm the health of you and your family, so the MrBreeze is perfect for protecting your home against these particulates.
Don’t make yourself sweat through the summer. Instead, get a circle-shaped MrCool MrBreeze Bladeless Air Purifier Fan.
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